Friday, August 12, 2005

Quick Note

Just a note to let everyone know that I have been away on business and will need to travel again next week. There will be few updates over the next 2-3 weeks in the postings. Any updates will be most likely posted in the comments section. So you can all start a running commentary on this comments section if you like. Many of the posting members of this blog will be attending a conference from August 19-28. Keep Natalee and her family in your prayers.


  1. Natalee Holloway is everwhere. I feel bad about what had happened, just as much as I feel about all the other women and children that go missing which we do not hear about. I think the media is wrong about their coverage, especially Greta Van Susteren. All the missing women are good looking blondes. I don't get it, and I am a white male. Very nice blog though, I am just starting out.

  2. hey whats all this islandhopper is mrsjimi? it is all over RWV!

  3. I don't know why Dan at rwv can't let go of Island Hopper. He is fixated on her for some strange reason. She does read here and sometimes posts here. I just visited with her in person and she is not missing the rat-race at all. We rather enjoyed several days without the internet or telephones in Katrina's formative days.

  4. Hey Breeze,
    Glad to see you made it home, you did right or are you posting from the hotel? Still no answer on your phone.

    Shami, Andole, Shadi and Rico have been calling for you. Auntie M is heading back to Fl for a visit. I have the packets scanned in and ready to email as soon as I hear from you. I hope your car insurance was paid up! :)

  5. I had composed a much longer winded post which somehow got lost. I wanted to say something about Island Hopper and Dan. I was on Riehl World the day IH got banned - the pro-Joran trolls were saying outrageous things and I thought Dan would ban the whole lot of them. Then he comes up and bans Island Hoppeer and I was stunned. Most of the intelligent posters have left RW - it is now mostly a pro-Joran site. He banned me, too. Dan's method of dealing with controversy is to ban the good guys and keep the riff-raff. So be it - he hasn't produced any news of note in over two months and I no longer believe in what he trying to do.

    Hope this blog will come alive again - Natalee is still not found.



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