Wednesday, August 03, 2005

August 3, 2005


daily notes

Beth returns to Aruba about 4:00 pm

Beth reiterates that she is sure Natalee thought she was getting into a taxi in front of Carlos 'n Charlies not a private car based on her talk with the other witnesses while in Mtn. Brk.

Aruban police want to arrest and deport TJ Ward for working on the Island without a permit. Is the media next?

Greta interviewed Raul a friend of the landfill witness that claims the witness is telling the truth as far as he knows. Raul says the witness told him that he saw 3 guys in a white pick up truck take a body of a female that was in a black plastic bag but the hair and part of the chest fell out, he could see she was blond, they put the body in a hole and put some dirt on it and left. He told the police that day but they ignored him. When the picture of the 3 guys was in the paper he said "that is the guys I saw at the landfill with the dead girl "and he or his brother made a call the police and landfill manager. It was difficult to understand everything this man said as his English was poor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aruba is backpeddling already.

8/04/2005 9:32 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

I will be out of town this weekend. I do have to work for a living. I should be back Sunday and hopefully can catch up then. A few regulars will be at the convention tomorrow but the rest of you better be posting updates. :)

8/05/2005 1:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The reward was increased to 250k for information leading to Natalee's whereabouts.

8/07/2005 12:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Breezy did you get back yet? i have emailed you the update notes I have. I got home last night, I think Solo came back Sat or Sun. It was cool to see all you guys again. Are you going to the 20-29 convention? I want to go but not sure I can so late in the game.
If you see this b4 the email please email ASAP. tata

8/09/2005 1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Solo are you going to the 20-29 convention?

8/09/2005 1:25 PM  
Blogger Breezy said...

I am still here at the meeting. I will be at the next one also. Time has been my enemy of late. This is my lunch break. :-)

Bridi I will email you tonight. Since I have less responsibilities than my dear friends and coworkers, I was asked to stay with the unfortunate change in events. I will be here at least through Thursday and anyone leaving on the charter for the 20-29 convention should know it leaves on friday the 19th. If you have other travel plans, it won't affect you.

And congratulations to Solo Flyer on the big promotion, the move and new home. You are going to be the busy camper next month with everything on your plate. So have you decided to marry that hunk of man that follows you everywhere? And why did I have to hear this news from your mother? You are allowed to brag too.

8/09/2005 2:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you dear but I don't discuss my private life on the net. Tell Auntie Mom, just like I tell her, I will decide to get married and announce it when I decide. It won't be announced on the net. You can bet on that.

I will be traveling with you guys on the charter, so I will talk to you in person then. We are leaving Thur and getting a hotel since we leave so early Fri.

8/10/2005 2:11 PM  

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